Dr. Andréa and Darla Snavely have been in pastoral ministry and higher education for over 30 years. Andréa is currently a professor of theology at Pan Africa Theological Seminary in Lomé, Togo, and Darla is assisting the Women's Ministries in Africa by providing sex-trafficking prevention and awareness to local churches.

Andréa Snavely, Ph.D.
Growing up in a pastor's home gave Andréa a desire for ministry at a young age. Even from his teen years he knew God was preparing him for ministry with a heart for missions and for learning. After earning a bachelor's degree in economics and Christian ministry from Central Bible College (now Evangel University) in Springfield, MO, he met and married his wife Darla and they spent nine years as youth, worship, and lead pastors in Missouri and Illinois.
While pastoring, God impressed upon Andréa (with the encouragement of his wife Darla) to return to academics to learn more Bible and theology for preaching and pastoring more effectively. After earning an M.Div. from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, MO, he completed a Master's of Sacred Theology and a PhD in theology from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis MO. Andréa's PhD dissertation, Life in the Spirit: A Post-Constantinian and Trinitarian Account of the Christian Life, was published by Wipf and Stock Publishers in 2015.
Andréa was a professor at Central Bible College in Springfield, MO for eight years, at Global University in Springfield, MO for six years, and at Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels, Belgium for three years. He is presently a professor and mentor for students completing their PhD dissertations at Pan Africa Theological Seminary (PAThS) in Lomé, Togo, as a missionary with Assemblies of God World Missions.
Andréa and Darla have two children, a son Titus and wife Kyra, who have boys Braeden and Ryder, and a daughter Tessa and husband Payton who have daughters Hazel, Ellie, and Nona.

Darla Snavely
From her earliest years as a little girl, God gave Darla a heart of compassion for the less fortunate, a trait that she attributes to the influence of her godly mother Hazel and the powerful spiritual experiences she had at camp meetings and services at her local church. God would use those experiences to eventually lead her into the ministry when she met and married her husband Andréa. After spending a few years in youth, worship, and lead pastor ministries in Missouri and Illinois, Darla spent the next twenty years as a para-legal assistant for the Missouri State Attorney General's office in St. Louis, and as an administrative assistant to a vice-president at Central Bible College and to a divisional chair at Evangel University in Springfield, MO.
Through the years, God continued to lead Darla into the mission's ministry that she has today of helping women in escape the life of sex trafficking. During their first term in Belgium, Darla was on the ministry team of The Breaking Chains Network, which is bringing hope and freedom to the most unfortunate of women, many of whom began their work in the sex industry against their will when they were very young. With these ministry experiences, Darla is assisting the Women's Ministries of Africa in proving prevention and awareness for churches to stand strong against sex-trafficking at its very source. Darla is also providing administration assistance for her husband Andréa in the PhD program of Pan Africa Theological Seminary in Lomé, Togo.
Andréa and Darla have two children, a son Titus and wife Kyra, who have boys Braeden and Ryder, and a daughter Tessa and husband Payton who have daughters Hazel, Ellie, and Nona.